About: Documentation

01 These html files are part of the Semys software package and form its documentation. © Copyright 2006-2008 Christian Haas.
02 This documentation is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

03 Paragraphs within this documentation are given sequential numbers per page, which are meant not to be changed for a paragraph. The intention is to be able to uniquely link to one paragraph from another page.

Text in such a block is a comment from the author, providing some background information on the current topic. They are possibly subjective and often have only informal character. Comments are rarely encountered as full size paragraphs.

This is the typical place for such comments. They are sidenotes to the current paragraph.
05 A paragraph marked with a yellow block on its left side contains some important information, a warning or generally something that should be considered.

Enclosed text in monospace font often contains some function signature.

06 Code or descriptions that apply to only a specific set of implementations have their context in brackets in front; Example:
[C++] The passed object has to be deleted by the called function.
Means that this only counts for C++ code. These tags are typically used to separate function signatures.

Goto: Main Page; This page is part of the Semys software documentation. See About: Documentation for details.