Service :: HandleParams

01 Parameter parsing method.

[C++] virtual bool HandleParams(int argc, char **argv);
[C#] virtual bool HandleParams(string[] argv);

03 Parameters:
  • argc: Amount of entries in the argv array
  • argv: Array of parameter values
04 Return Values:
False if the service shall not be started, true otherwise.
05 This method parses the standard parameter values and performs their respective actions.

Print version info: "-v"

Prints version information on standard output. The service will not start.

Set trace file path: "-tfp path"

Explicitly sets the path for trace files. It will be used as parameter for the TraceListenerFile object.

Start in console mode: "-c"

The application will start as a console process and will not convert into a background process.

[Win] Install service: "-i"

This will install the executable as a service in the system and performs all necessary registrations. The service will not start.
10 [C#] The application still has to provide a dedicated Installer class that performs the actual installation. The Service implementation only starts an AssemblyInstaller on itself, resulting in similar behaviour to the InstallUtil executable. See the MSDN and the test service application for details.

[Win] Uninstall service: "-u"

This will uninstall the executable as a service from the system and performs all necessary deregistrations. The service will not start.
This method will not delete any files.
12 [C#] Identical to the installation routine, this function only starts an AssemblyInstaller on itself.
13 Reference: net::semys
Implementation: Semys Architecture
See Also: ArchService Sub-System, Service

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