
01 Transmits data properly framed via a list of connections.

void SemysGathConnTransmitNProt(ListEntry *pConnReferenceList, SemysDataBuffer *pBufList);

03 Parameters:
  • pConnReferenceList: Pointer to a list consisting of SemysConnReference structures.
  • pBufList: The raw data.
04 This function calculates the CRC of the provided data, temporarily adds frame header with length information and tail containing the CRC value and calls SemysConnTransmitProt() for every connection in the list.
05 It is possible to pass 0 for pBufList, which will cause an empty frame to be transmitted. This can be used to test alive status of the connection and will keep the receiving gatherer busy on the other side.
06 To avoid the overhead of recalculating the same CRC value, this function was created to be used where identical data needs to be transmitted via several connections.
07 Global Lock: Required
Reference: SemysGatherer.h
Implementation: Semys Library
See Also: Gatherer Sub-System, SemysGathConnTransmit1Prot()

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