Lib Sub-System: Hash

01 With these helper functions it is possible to create hash values of arbitrary data. The generated hash values can be either of 32bit or 64bit depth.

Although it is called a 'hash' the actual algorithms used are ones for CRC calculation. Also, the 64bit hash values are in fact two different 32bit CRC values combined.
For the required applications within the library, these methods work as well.

03 The hash generator functions may also be used for the collection classes from STL that require such values.
04 The data used for hash value generation has to be chosen carefully if the value is to be transferred across host boundaries. Only properly serialized data (using the coder functions) may be used for such applications.
Generating a hash value from a simple integer value will cause problems, if the same integer's hash value is compared between big-endian and little-endian machines.
05 When hashing strings alone without their size as an integer, it is also recommended to include their terminating 0x00 character.
Otherwise, with two consecutive strings, there would be no difference between ("ab" + "cd") and ("a" + "bcd") for example.
06 Functions:
07 Reference: SemysHash.h
Implementation: Semys Library

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