
01 Clones an ASCII string and returns the clone.

char *SemysMemAStringDup(char const *str, int32 len);

03 Parameters:
  • str: The string to clone.
  • len: How many characters (bytes) shall be cloned. If negative, strlen() will be used to determine the length of str.
04 Return Values:
A 0x00 terminated clone of str.
05 If len is a negative value, strlen() will be used to determine the length of str.
07 SemysMemAStringDup() always allocates an amount of bytes equal to the amount of characters to copy + 1 for the terminating 0x00 character.
08 If len is a positive number, it may not exceed the actual length of the passed string.
09 Reference: SemysMemory.h
Implementation: Semys Library
See Also: Memory Sub-System, SemysMemAlloc()

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