
01 Deinitializes the memory sub-system.

void SemysMemDeinit(void);

03 This function is automatically called via SemysLibDeinit().
04 In debug build, if at the time of this call still some memory objects have not been freed yet, the corresponding allocation points will be traced using SemysTrace().
05 In debug build, if memory leaks are traced that belong to other threads which are still running there is a chance of an access violation as the internal list of descriptions is not exclusively locked anymore. (The corresponding mutex object has been freed as well.) Note: This may happen at shutdown (deinit) in debug build only.
06 It is expected that the call to SemysMemDeinit() (indirectly via SemysLibDeinit() ) is the last one (Semys related) from the process. Yes, this rule has already been bent in the C++ implementation of Semys Arch.
07 Reference: SemysMemory.h
Implementation: Semys Library
See Also: Memory Sub-System, SemysMemInit()

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