
01 Generates a trace output from the Semys Library.

void SemysTrace(char const *fmt, ...);

03 Parameters:
  • fmt: The basic trace format string.
  • ...: Optional list of parameters that are filled into fmt.
04 If there is currently no SemysTraceOutput() function registered, this function returns immediately; Otherwise, the trace output is processed.
05 Using vsnprintf, the variable list of extra parameters is parsed with the fmt parameter into a string buffer.
06 The length of the internal string buffer is 1024. Thus, the total length of a trace output may and will be not longer than 1023 characters. Currently, most of the traces of the library don't even need 100 chars.
07 After the buffer has been filled, it is passed to the registered SemysTraceOutput() function.
08 Note that this function is only used from within Semys Library. Higher application layers (such as Semys Arch) provide their own (possibly more complex) tracing facilities.
09 The (final) trace output shall at best consist only of characters where a call to isprint() would return a nonzero value.
This especially means that no carriage return / line feed characters should be included. It is up to the actual output function to add appropriate line endings.
10 Reference: SemysTrace.h
Implementation: Semys Library
See Also: Trace Sub-System, SemysTraceOutput()

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