
01 This function will be called as callback from the connection when it received some data.

int32 (*SemysConnReceiveProt)(HSemysListener listener, HSemysConn conn, SemysDataBuffer *pBuf);

03 Parameters:
  • listener: The listener handle from the SemysConnListener structure.
  • conn: The connection calling this callback.
  • pBuf: A SemysDataBuffer that contains the received data.
04 Return Values:
Nonzero if the user takes ownership over the data buffer or 0 otherwise.
05 This typedef is a placeholder for the actual user code provided callback function.
06 To avoid unnecessary memory allocations, the user may claim ownership of the data buffer by returning a nonzero value. If this callback returns 0, the buffer will be freed automatically afterwards.
07 As described at About: Transporter.22, data may be received in different chunks than it was transmitted. The user has to take care to regroup the data if desired.
08 Global Lock: Required
Reference: SemysTransporter.h
Implementation: Semys Library
See Also: Transporter Sub-System, SemysConnTransmitProt()

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